Inspired by the Ancient iconography, these sculptures depict a Greek goddess or an allegory, for the first one as a clock decoration, while the second one is standing by herself. They show Henri Fourdinois’s know-how and knowledge, displaying a Neo-Greek inspiration typical of his production.

Material : Bronze and enameled dial
Localisation : France, 1870-1880
Dimensions : H : 53cm, W : 23,5 cm, D : 21cm
The clock
The enameled dial signed « Fourdinois » is put on a column’s base, which torus is adorned with stylized palm leaves in a Neo-greek style. The column, decorated with branches, stands as a seat for a feminine allegory, depicting a woman dressed in the Ancient style with a tunic partly covering her body but letting one of her breast out. The drapery’s wet effect, creating an excessive crumple, reminds us of the representation of Greek goddesses during the Hellenistic period. Sat in equilibrium on one foot, her left leg is tenderly resting on her right knee. The twist of her body is marked with her face also turning in the same direction. She is holding with both hands the extremity of the fabric falling down her back. Her hair, finely chiseled, is attached in a braided bun.
The sculpture
Signed “H. Fourdinois” on the back, this walnut sculpture depicts the same subject as the clock previously depicted. Sculpted in the same position, the allegory or goddess is nevertheless sitting on a different support. Indeed, the bottom of the column used as a seat shows a more classical decoration : flutes and a dentils frieze on the tore. The other difference rests on the sculpture function, which is no longer a clock as the dial has disappeared.

Material : Walnut
Localisation : France, 1870-1880
Dimensions : H : 54cm, W : 30,5 cm, P : 22cm
We find on the personal archives of the Fourdinois family, some photographies of sculptures depicting the same allegory sat on a support, sometimes as a column base, other as an element that could be used to welcome a dial.

Photography from the personal archives of the Fourdinois family

Photography from the personal archives of the Fourdinois family